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What is the process from plans to delivery?

What is the process from plans to delivery?

You may be wondering, what happens after I have finalised my shed design, and am ready to take the next step? In this blog, we take a look at the process from plans and consent through to delivery of your kitset.

1. Plans and Consent

Kitset sheds nz

To get your project underway, you’ll need to return the consent information form and the simple site plan that was sent with your agreement. With this information returned, your shed can be prepared for drawing and consent, and your project will be underway as soon as possible.

The first stage is the drafting of your shed plans. Our in-house CAD team draws every set of plans to suit your specific design and site requirements, usually taking 2-3 weeks depending on workloads.

Once your plans are drawn, we send these to the structural engineer who carries out a design check and issues a PS1 for your site address (a PS1, or producer statement, indicates that the building meets the required regulations). Depending on workloads, engineers usually take 1-2 weeks to check and issue a PS1. Taking into account the time for drawing your plans and issuing a PS1, it can take 2 - 4 weeks to have your plans ready for council submission.

When all the council application paperwork is prepared, our consent team will lodge your shed with your local district council. All our sheds require consent as they are typically over 110m2 – you can find out more here on the consent requirements. We lodge the building consent on your behalf, saving you time and hassle. We are well-prepped to answer any questions the council may have regarding your project, ensuring the consent process is quick and easy.


2. Materials and kitset packing

Kitset shed


It can take a few weeks before your consent application goes before a building processor. With this in mind, our team is working ahead of time as much as we can to ensure that your shed project stays on track.

During this time, you will be introduced to your project manager – they will look after the delivery of your kitset, and keep in contact with you along the way. The operations team will call you shortly after the lodgment of your consent application to discuss site requirements, delivery timing, and anything else for your particular project. We aim to minimise any lead times required after the issue of consent, ensuring your kitset is delivered exactly when you need it.

During this step, our internal quantity surveyors prepare your materials list and start the process of getting your kitset together. You may be wondering "What is included in the kitset?" All your required materials are provided except the concrete and any concrete-related components. We will provide you with screws, bolts, nails, and all other components you require. You will also receive simple and straightforward building instructions should you need them.

Here at Alpine, we run a triple-checking system to help ensure your kit is delivered with everything included. "It was easy to unload and had everything except the kitchen sink basically! Everything arrived down to the last bolt." Charlie Johnson, Gisborne. Hear more from Charlie here.

While the team is preparing your kitset for delivery, further payments may be required depending on the size of your project. For clarification, check the payment terms on your agreement, or get in touch with the team.


3. Delivery to site


Delivery to your site is free, you will just need to ensure you have forks to unload. Feel free to contact the team if you need an option for Hiab unload.

Once the kitset has been delivered to site, it is up to you and/or your builder to carry out the building process. We have heard many builders comment on how easy it is to build an Alpine shed; you can hear from some of the builders here.

If you do have any questions along the way, we are still here to help so feel free to give the team a call! The team has been building these sheds for over 30 years and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


For more information, download our free Buyer's Guide, or if you have any further questions you can call the team at Alpine on 0800 428 453.


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