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Mono-pitch or gable: Which shed design is best for me?

There’s a variety of different shed designs available on the market, so how do you know which is best for your specific needs? This is a common question in the industry and a lot of people are unsure when they embark on their shed design journey.

The answer depends on several factors and can come down to your personal preference, or even your site location requirements. To help you better understand each option, we’re outlining the pros and cons of both mono-pitch and gable shed designs so you can see which is best suited for your unique needs.

Mono-pitch shed design

Mono-pitch shed

Otherwise known as a lean-to, this traditional shed design has been around for years. This design is a single pitched roof that is created by one wall being higher than the other, forming a slope from the front to the back. These designs have been best known for the following positive features:

Mono-pitch design pros


Single roof pitch designs are simple; there is no fancy apex braces or plates - just a simple, straightforward design. People investing in this type of shed are generally wanting something around 50 to 150m² in size, that is hassle-free, simple to install, and often something that doesn’t require building consent. They’re perfect for a small workshop on your lifestyle block, or even just some extra storage space. For spans up to around 9m deep, these after often a cheaper way to go.

Low material requirements

Generally speaking, mono-pitch designs don’t use as many materials compared to a gable-style shed. With a lower height at the back, no apex ridging required, and only 1 run of guttering, this all saves on cost. With less material required, the installation of the shed is often faster, creating a more cost-efficient m² rate compared to other shed designs.

Low space requirements

Another reason people chose this design is that they save space. These designs are often paired with depths of up to 9.0m and bay widths from 3.6m up to 4.5m wide. Therefore, they are ideal for smaller lifestyle blocks or even residential sections. These compact designs don’t rely on the shape of the building for strength and, consequently, they don’t take up excess space.

Along with the above points, there are a few disadvantages to take into consideration. These can vary between shed suppliers and material etc, however, the principle is still the same.

Mono pitch design cons

Height is harder to achieve

Since this design requires one side to be higher than the other, finding the right pitch for one’s needs can become a challenge. These vary from company to company and range anywhere from 4.8 to 8 degrees.  

Often people get caught out with this and it can lead to a poorly designed shed that is not fit for purpose.

Long/bulky beams to handle

As mentioned, mono-pitch designs are suited for sheds of a smaller size. This is because they usually utilise a single clearspan beam/rafter that spans the full depth of the shed. Often it can be a struggle to get a depth wider than 12m using standard materials such as timber or steel, without joining material and it becomes awkward to freight/handle. This makes the design restrictive. It’s worthwhile noting that a mono-pitch design becomes less cost-efficient compared to a gable when spanning over 10m in depth. This can cause increased freight costs and the need for increased clearspan beams size to avoid sagging (particularly with LVL beam design sheds).

In summary, mono-pitch sheds are simple and often the most cost-effective option for those wanting a smaller shed. Its compact design means it can be put almost anywhere. The low m² rate is what attracts a lot of people, however, there are a few things that can impact this m² rate such as freight and potentially not achieving the height that you require.

Gable shed design

Large-scale clearspan shed

The gable-style design is otherwise known as a pitched roof. These designs are extremely versatile and flexible design-wise. It’s one of the most-used shed designs in the industry which is why there’s a little saying that goes ‘gable is more able’. Check out the common pros and cons of this design below.

Gable shed design pros

Suited to larger designs

The gable-style shed is best suited to larger shed designs. It is known for its strength, especially in the apex, which means it is suited to large spans over 10m and up to 40-50m wide, depending on the materials used. This would generally be from around 150m² upwards. This flexibility in size is often what drives people to opt for a gable design.


Because the design is so versatile, people take into consideration how easy this style of shed is to future proof. When it comes to nutting out what design is best suited to you, future-proofing is often number one. Depending on the shed supplier, height is typically simple to achieve and often doesn’t affect the overall cost as much as you would expect. With the roof being pitched in the middle and shed suppliers having different roof pitches, it creates many options around internal fit-outs or things such as mezzanine floors and storage racking, etc.

Aesthetically pleasing

The gable design is often considered aesthetically pleasing which is why it is utilised a lot in the industry. People often want this design so it can match with their existing house or they want to create a space that becomes more than just a garage. As mentioned, shed suppliers do have varying roof pitches, which plays a major part in aesthetics. These roofs can be anywhere from 10 to 40 degrees. Nowadays, these can be changed to suit your specific requirements.

Gable designs also have a few disadvantages to them as well, which do vary from shed supplier but are common in the industry.

Gable shed design cons

Higher material requirements

The way gable-style sheds are designed often means there are more materials used. This means mono-pitch designs can be cheaper but, because gable designs are suited for larger buildings, this can balance itself out in the final wash up. Also, with more materials needed, timeframes can be pushed back. This varies between shed suppliers, so anywhere from 3 months to over 6 months is common in today’s market. We recommended you speak with one of our team members to discuss this and get your project locked in or underway to secure your spot!

Less cost-efficient

The gable design is not the most cost-efficient design for the smaller footprint sheds, as mentioned earlier. This does depend on the materials used in the shed, but this is a general rule in the market.

With anything in the construction industry, the bigger the shed is the more costs involved to install. However, it’s often found that with some particular gable shed designs, the larger the shed the more the m² rate goes down. This has to do with the fixed costs related to the building.

Overall, a gable shed design is typically more suited to those larger shed builds, from 150m² and up. It’s ideal for large agricultural implement storage sheds, workshops, hay storage sheds, warehouses, man caves, and more! The internal fit-out options are endless due to the varied pitches shed suppliers offer. Also, height can be easily achieved and it doesn’t impact the overall cost as much as you may think.

Hopefully, you now have a clearer idea of what design is going to be best suited to your personal preferences and requirements. Please feel free to get in touch today if you require a large gable-style clearspan building, or if you want to discuss your particular shed project further with one of our friendly team members. Otherwise, to gain a little gable-shed inspiration, simply download our workshops brochure.

Download our workshop brochure to find inspiration for your workshop

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