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Crafty use for an Alpine Buildings shed

Use your shed for more than just your farm stock

In the back blocks of the stunning region of Nelson, a grower of hops was in need of a new shed. And with Alpine Buildings they found the perfect solution for their wide-ranging requirements.

Not only was the shed to be used for drying and processing hops but also for storage and operations. The challenge? A cost-effective solution was required in a tight timeframe.Alpine Buildings farm shed

Adding to the complexity of the build, the client required an over-height design of 8 meters up to 9.850m at the apex to store a new kiln. With the tight timeframe in mind, the design work had to be completed in record speed. The Alpine Buildings team were required to work closely with the local council for building and resource consents in order to meet the client's deadline.

Part of the solution lay in the Alpine Buildings design capabilities. Not only are the designs for Alpine Buildings sheds flexible, but the experienced team were able to consult and recommend a solution that met the client's requirements. This came through in the planning stages, as an adjustment to the foundation details was highlighted as being required to provide extra strengthening for the height requirements.

Steel rafter shed from Alpine Buildings

Despite the extra resource consent required during the planning phase, the Alpine Buildings team were able to design and sign off the shed in approximately 2 months. The kitset building was delivered shortly after when the client had a builder ready to start construction.

Not only does the new Alpine Buildings structure enable the company to locate their equipment anywhere in the shed, but the additional height allows future flexibility for bigger equipment as operations expand.

Alpine have the shed to suit your needs

Many shed companies struggle with requests that challenge the standard solution; but at Alpine Buildings, a challenge is always welcome. Flexible in design and always willing to help, you'll find Alpine Buildings ready to embrace something new!

Whether you're contributing to delicious craft beers in Nelson or running a dairy farm in Canterbury or need somewhere to keep your plane, you'll find an Alpine Buildings shed to suit your needs.CLICK TO DOWNLOAD OUR BROCHURE

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